After years of research, finally researchers have achieved a breakthrough in office disease syndromes. Surveys across offices in India have shown that there is a syndrome called Traumatic Managerial No Work Syndrome which has been affecting work place productivity in at least 25% of the work force. Incidence is particularly higher in the workers who have been promoted recently to managerial posts.
Symptoms include severe bouts of Information distress leading to frequent Googling (which has been categorised independently into a disorder called Googlitis), Feelings of Grandeur leading the patient to believe he/she was created for something else, something much better, severe Blogger's diarrhoea, Verbal diarrhoea leading to discussions on Global Warming and mating habits of Salmon across the seas with random people. Apart from these, an intense need to socialise on the net is also noted as a common symptom. Psychiatrists are calling it Lonely-at-the-top disorder too.
Internet-o-philia which was hitherto categorised as a deformity on its own, has been grouped among the subsets of this syndrome. Scientists warn that TMNWS will increase in prevalence across the world with more and more people being promoted to Managerial positions. It is also expected to cause a fall in economy due to the loss in economic productivity. India, United States are expected to be among the worst affected, with UK and Japan coming a close second.